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I have been inspired. By God. By my friends. By my family. 

Most of my life I have leaned toward the negative in my perspective of life in general.  Growing up in (and out) of a totally dysfunctional family sort of does that to you.  At some point, I decided to put on rose-colored glasses and look for the more positive aspects out there.  I try to believe that most people are good, that the weatherman is right more than wrong, and that I can handle anything that comes my way.  Unfortunately, I have been proven wrong in most cases, except for the latter of these.

 Most recently, I have been told by anyone and everyone who knows my family, that I deserve a gold star.  Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not tooting my own horn here, this is just the fact of what I've been told.  I don't know how deserving I am of anything, I just know that I do what I do and that's all that I do.  Sometimes you just don't have a choice.  You do right just because it's the right thing to do!  I don't really see that as a choice, and sometimes I don't do it with a happy heart at the time, but the happiness does come at some point, even if it's later. 

So the inspiration is this:  can my life/story help someone else?  It has been laid on my heart heavily lately that I should be sharing what I've been learning these last 10 years with others who are struggling with the same issues I've struggled with.  So many have asked, "How do you do it?"  "What's your secret?"  Truly, there is no big secret... I have faith... that's it.

Before I elaborate on that, let me tell you that I'm not perfect by any means, and I make mistakes, HUGE mistakes, on almost a daily basis.  I don't read my Bible as often as I should, and I don't pray as often as I'd like.  But I do fear the Lord and try to live by God's commandments first and set a good example for my kids (all six of them).

I believe that God has a plan for me.  I don't know what it is, or why, but my struggles are to prepare me for something BIG.  That negativity I spoke of earlier used to make me believe I was being punished for mistakes in my past.  That I deserved to be unhappy and sad.  But God has changed my perspective over the years.  And now God is telling me to share that perspective with you all. 

Life is hard.  That's the reality of it.  We were never promised it would be easy.  But it doesn't have to be sad.  Within each of us is strength we never knew we possessed.  I hope the strength I have found inspires you to look for yours.  We can overcome anything.


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