Here you will find some of my tried and true remedies and therapies (sometimes - because if you have fibromyalgia you know that with this disease it can change it's symptoms and/or what works one day may not work the next). Please feel free to comment on and add your methods of dealing with your symptoms on my posts! I'm always interested in learning new ways to help myself and others and hopefully we can all help each other get a little relief and try to live a little better quality of life. 1. Healthy eating. Find what foods trigger your symptoms and cut them from your diet as much as possible or completely. Wheat, sugar, milk and caffeine are culprits for me. I'm not always the best at keeping them out of my mouth, but I do limit them pretty well. I definitely feel the difference when I slip, and it is enough for me to keep an eye on my diet because the downtime stinks. 2. Get enough rest. Listen to your body and take t...
My real life mess, Redeemed.