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The Miracle that is... Makeup!

It's no secret that women have a full plate, that we wear many hats, and have many people depending on us whether we have a husband and/or children or not.  I wrote recently about being busy, and there's a reason we call ourselves Wonder Woman.  I look at my own calender and wonder how I'm going to get it all done.

Within this life of responsibilities, it's sometimes a wonder we get a shower every day, much less get our hair fixed and, dare I say, put on makeup!  I have to admit that over the past year (or longer) I have become very lax in putting on makeup before leaving the house for work, errands, and sometimes - even church services (Wednesday nights only, thank you).

Some days, like today, it's very hard for me to even get out of bed and get going, thanks to my new nemesis - Fibromyalgia.  So in an effort to get to work on time (yeah, right) I skip the makeup and head out.  But then every time I walk past a mirror, I feel, oh I don't know, old, ugly, tired, sore, pathetic.  I know, it's crazy.  My looks should not determine how I feel about  myself.  But let's be honest here, ladies.  Makeup makes us feel pretty!

The last week, even though I have still not been able to get makeup on before I walked out of the house, I was quick enough to grab a cosmetics bag full of the the necessities plus a few more things to take with me.  Then, after I get to work I'll put on my "face".  I cannot tell you how it lifts my spirits to feel like I look alive, younger, happier, brighter.  Again, crazy.  But true.

I remember when I was first allowed to wear makeup.  It was 6th grade.  And no one really taught me how to apply it.  Looking back, I know I had to look hideous!  Baby blue eye shadow from lash to brow - with brown eyes no less!  Why would someone even let me walk out the door looking like that?  But over the years I have learned to perfect my application and have become a bit of a beauty product junkie.  I have more make up than any one woman who is not a makeup artist should have.  And cannot bear to part with any of it.  Every time I wear it differently depending on my outfit and my mood.  To me, it's an accessory.  And an art.

My husband (and most of yours, too) cannot understand why I need 120 palettes of shadow, 5 mascaras, countless eye and lip liners, and let's not even get into the lip sticks, glosses, stains, etc. etc. etc.  Similarly, he cannot understand why I need more than 3 pairs of shoes, or scarves, or anything else.  Is he kidding?!  But he does notice when I do not wear makeup.  He usually asks me if I'm feeling alright.

So, my point is:  The miracle of makeup is not that it changes what I look like or paints me up.  It's that it gives me a confidence about myself that I don't always have "bare-faced".  Sort of like dressing up for a party.  Everyone feels different on the inside when they get to wear their nice clothes and go out.  It's not about being better than anyone else or looking better than anyone else.  It's about being your best You, all the time.  Kind of like "dressing for the job you want".  When you feel your best on the outside, your best on the inside rises to the surface.

Here's to being the best You - every day.

Much love~


  1. I love this!! How true is it that men question our need for makeup and accessories then ask what the deal is when we're lacking those things?!
    I didn't know that you had a blog! So cute!!


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